Block cipher based Public Key Encryption viaIndistinguishability Obfuscation


  • Aleksandra Horubała
  • Michał Andrzejczak
  • Piotr Sapiecha
  • Daniel Waszkiewicz


The article is devoted to generation techniques of thenew public key crypto-systems, which are based on applicationof indistinguishability obfuscation methods to selected privatekey crypto-systems. The techniques are applied to symmetrickey crypto-system and the target system is asymmetric one.As an input for our approach an implementation of symmetricblock cipher with a given private-key is considered. Differentobfuscation methods are subjected to processing. The targetsystem would be treated as a public-key for newly createdpublic crypto-system. The approach seems to be interestingfrom theoretical point of view. Moreover, it can be useful forinformation protection in a cloud-computing model.


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Cryptography and Cybersecurity