Evaluation of Popular Path Planning Algorithms



The navigation of mobile robots is a key element of autonomous systems, which allows robots to move effectively and securely in changing environments with greater autonomy and precision. This study aims to provide researchers with a comprehensive guide for selecting the best path-planning methods for their particular projects. We evaluate some popular algorithms that are regularly used in mobile robot navigation, in order to demonstrate their specifications and determine where they are most effective. For example, one algorithm is used to model the problem as a standard graph, and another algorithm is found to be the most suitable for highly dynamic and highly dimensional environments, due to its robust path-planning capabilities and efficient route construction. We also filter high-performance algorithms in terms of computational complexity, accuracy, and robustness. In conclusion, this study provides valuable information on its individual strengths and weaknesses, helping robotics and engineers make informed decisions when selecting the most appropriate algorithm for their specific applications.

Author Biography

Mehmet Kara, AGH University of Science and Technology

MEHMETKARA received the B.S. degree in
software engineering from Izmir University of
Economics, Izmir, in 2011, and the M.S. degree
in computer engineering from Ankara University,
Ankara, in 2017.
From 2013 to 2016, the author worked as a
Software Engineer at the Ministry of Health. Sub-
sequently, from 2016 to 2019, they served as a
Science and Technology Expert at the Ministry of
Science and Technology. Since 2019, the author
has been a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics,
Computer Science, and Biomedical Engineering Department at Krakow,
AGH University of Science and Technology.
The author has contributed to three articles, and his research interests pri-
marily focus on algorithms, machine learning, and applications in robotics.


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