Performance improvements in SNR of a Multipath channel using OFDM-MIMO


  • Sharmini Enoch Dr. Sharmini Enoch, Adjunct Professor, Department of Electronics and Communications Noorul Islam University, TamilNadu, India-629180
  • Ifiok Otung Prof. Ifiok Otung, Professor of Space Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Department of Biomedical and Electronics Engineering University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP


The Non Line of Sight (NLOS) broadband wireless access provided by Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) operating in 2-11 GHz frequency is susceptible to the effects of multipath propagation, diffraction fading, vegetation attenuation, shadowing loss etc. In order to overcome these effects effective fade mitigation techniques, have to be implemented. The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing- Multiple Input Multiple Output (OFDM-MIMO) is an efficient method that helps in combatting the fading and providing higher SNR to the WiMAX system. According to the IEEE 802.16 specification, for QPSK modulation, a threshold SNR of 6 dB is required for the link to operate. In the present work the use of OFDM-MIMO achieves a SNR above this operating threshold.



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Wireless and Mobile Communications